Throughout the design process, we took a mindful approach to create two key spaces that became the focal points of the buildings. The double height space, which is the central axis of the upper duplex, provides an opportunity for visual and physical separation between the master suite and secondary bedroom while simultaneously flooding the space with natural light from a massive 5’ square skylight. The tall walls of this volumetric space are primed for the display of individual creative freedom and future owners can adorn them with their own unique art pieces.
An additional staircase leading to the roof level opens onto a large open roof accessory recreation space for tenants to have access to typically underutilized space. The roof terrace offers a small oasis to be sculpted and furnished for summer afternoon relaxation and general quiet space for enjoying some quiet relaxation. With parapet walls surrounding you when lounging in this space, all you see is the endless expanse of the sky, uninterrupted by any obstructions. However, the rooftop lounging space also offers breathtaking views of the surrounding neighborhood, making it the perfect spot for gatherings or to unwind while taking in the cityscape.
The rear yard spaces have been designed to provide access from three levels of the building, accommodating the needs of multiple residents. The architectural design incorporates these features seamlessly and in a way that is both subtle and elegant, placing the comfort and enjoyment of the families who will call these buildings home.